Saturday, October 02, 2004

I love drunks

It's now 2 A.M. in the morning. I've gotten about five to six phone calls since 1 A.M. in the morning. General conference is tommorrow. I also have a football game tommorrow. I also have several projects and a six page paper all due on Monday. Instead, I'm up waiting beside the phone trying to help a bunch of drunks. My brother, wife, and his friends decided to all go out, I guess it would be last night, since it is now the morning. We get the first call around 1 in the morning, my other brother and I. Because my brother I live with has more experience in dealing with drunks and knowing downtown better than me, he goes to pick them up. Five minutes later, another call. "Yes, other brother is on his way to pick you up. No, he's not riding his bike to pick everybody up. He's driving his van. Sorry I can't play raquetball tommorrow, too much going on. Yes, I'll be at the football game. Where will I be? I'll be with the band, as usual, we're kindof hard not to miss." Seven minutes pass... next call... "Yes, he left after you called the first time... am I playing raquetball tommorrow? No I can't... Will I be at the game? Yes. Bye. I'd say about another ten minutes later... "Hi brother, other brother should be there by now, he hasn't made it yet. No. What's he driving? He's driving a van, the color is white, oh you'll be at the game too... how exciting. Bye." Two seconds later.... "Hello? Hi other brother... you can't find him? Well... considering brother said for sure where he was, just wait right in front of the bar, when he calls again, I'll tell him you're right out in front, if something else happens and you don't see him, call back in ten minutes... Well at least it's been ten minutes and I haven't gotten a call, but frankly, now I'm too annoyed to go to sleep.

Now I know if you add up my minutes it won't equal sixty, and there's actually a lot more of the conversation left out, that was either unintelligel...unintelligble... however it's spelled, it's late... anyway, it was a whole lot of stupidity. I guess I don't understand the whole drinking thing and would never want to. I could tell you a lot of stupid stuff, I am in the tuba section, you know. Frankly, I hate it with a passion when people are drunk around me. I feel very uncomfortable around them, and just have the desire to get away from them as much as possible.

Well, I feel sufficiently prepared for general conference now. I'm in the perfect mood for it. Absolutely wonderful. I think I'll grab a midnight snack...


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