In the two and a half years that I have been in Alabama, I have now been involved in four accidents. In contrast to this, my sister in Houston, who drives much more than I do, has been involved in zero.
Although if you break it down, two of those accidents didn't involve my car, but my bike, and one of the times it was my car, it was parked and somebody hit it. This fourth one was the only one that was two moving cars, and I was able to react fast enough that it only scraped paint on my vehicle and did just a little damage to the other driver's vehicle.
I've been lucky that none of these accidents have been all that serious or even needed a police report filled out for them. That being said, the only accident that I managed to get hurt was the only one that was my fault. Not only was I at fault, but I was riding a bike at the time. Now road rules for bikes are circumspect at best, as most cities have no clue what to do with bikes, and here is no different. You would think this would likely be the cause for the wreck, but no. I was in the road with the flow of traffic, was checking traffic behind me, and rear ended a car. Yes, I was going fast enough to rear end a car on my bike. Busted up my knee, but given a few weeks, if was fine.
To date, I've now been hit by or hit a car while biking five times. Less than half were my fault, and one involved a parked car. That would be the other accident that was my fault.
I must say, overall, I've been really lucky in most of the accidents I have, but I really would like to be involved in fewer accidents.
I do think it's funny that you rear-ended a car with your bike.
I had never been in an accident in my life until last year (other than a minor, ice-slipping incident in Virginia that caused zero damage or injury and therefore doesn't count). And then within less than twelve months I got into four. I haven't had any this year so I'm hoping I managed to break the streak.
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