Thursday, August 17, 2006

I am alive (to an extent)

I didn't realize that it had been over a month since I last posted something. Things have been chaotic and at the same time fairly lazy as of late.

How does that work, well let me show you. Since I've never been in the same spot for longer than one week, there was absolutely no possible way for me to get a summer job. Well, in that time I started off with an exceptionally horrible sleep schedule. I spent four weeks finally forcing myself into a decent schedule. This was soon interupted by a trip to Minnesota to register for classes and take care of housing, etc. Well driving 14 hours through the night both ways was enough to destroy any type of decent sleep I was getting. Less than a week later, I took a trip for a family reunion out to Utah, and this continued to degrade any type of sleep patterns. I ended up flying home, while the rest of my family drove to visit more relatives before coming back to Kentucky.

So this meant I had just gotten off of two trips, and as always, you usually feel the need to take a vacation after you've taken one, so I figured that I would spend a couple of days just relaxing and playing video games, then start back and get the last few things ready for moving to Minnesota. Well, a couple of days turned into a week.

At the end of that week, it was probably the absolute worst I've ever looked. I ended up playing about 110 hours of games in one week in the most absolute disgusting display of my life.

My family had come home to find me passed out on the waterbed after only three hours of sleep at 1 P.M. I was so focussed on this game that I deprived my body of food, water, and sleep for about a week. I was ten pounds lighter, hadn't shaved for about 5 days, and I haven't gone that long in two and a half years. I was slightly jaundiced from where I was getting no fluids. I averaged less than five hours of sleep. I looked a mess. So when I say I'm alive, that meant my heart was beating and that was about the extent of that.

Luckily, I am out of that one week and back among the living and preparing things for school up in Minnesota. I am going with mixed feelings up there, but the one thing for sure is that I'm going to be really glad to get into the daily grind. I can't stand not being in the daily grind. I'm not a self-motivated person, so the daily grind is essential to my well-being. My mixed feelings come from this being the last option of the choices that closed up before me till this was the only option available to me. Well, here's to life and to entering back into the daily grind. Which will also probably mean I'll actually post more often as that seems to be the case during school. Till next time.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you're back.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger N.F. said...



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