Monday, January 22, 2007


Now that I've lived in an environment where snow is the norm, I've learned a few things.

Driving on snow in the North isn't near as bad as snow in the South(when it actually does snow.) Our joke in Kentucky was that if you spit on the road and it freezes, they close down everything. If there is a slight dusting, they do close down all the schools. I'm beginning to understand why, now that I live in Minnesota. Snow up here has friction. It's easy to drive on snow up here. It's cold enough that snow doesn't melt into a slick surface. It stays fairly gritty and dry. It does not do that in Kentucky. If it snows, it's going to be wet snow and slick. Much less friction is present. Especially if you've got a little bit of freezing rain in there as well. Just the thought for the day(or the way my blog is going, for the month.)


At 1:33 PM, Blogger Amy said...

It's true. When I lived in Virginia people back in Utah didn't understand why we would shut down school for an inch of snow on the ground. If they had to drive on that inch of snow they shut down for, they would have understood.


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