Monday, November 06, 2006

Religious Discussions

Religious discussions with people of other faiths are always fun. One of the reasons is that they find all sorts of interesting questions that you never really ask yourself. I was working on projects with somebody else from my program for several hours and we were able to talk about different religions and our own beliefs. Well she had bought this pamphlet that explained different religions and wanted to know exactly how accurate it was.

Obviously it wasn't all that accurate(like we believe the Holy Spirit in made of liquidy moisture), and the stuff they did get right obviously consisted of all the meat and none of the milk. So this makes things interesting in trying to explain about my beliefs to her when she getting on the hard stuff and nothing to back it up. Naturally this led to the phenomenon that we called Kolobing in our mission. It's always annoying when people share nothing of the fundamentals and all of the deep stuff, because then you have to show people how to understand it all. Yet here I find myself doing the same thing I didn't like others doing. Oh well.

Anyway, back to a couple of her questions. I had explained briefly about ward and branches, and how you have singles ward and branches nicknamed meatmarkets. I had also discussed a little bit about the spirit world. Later on, we were talking about how families are eternal and the relationship between husband and wife. Well, she asked what about people who haven't gotten married in this life. In answer to her own question she said spirit world meatmarkets. I will now forever use that whenever that question comes up, whether it's right or not.

Another part of our discussions, I had mentioned that we believe that God has a physically body, to which she asked where does God live. It's interesting the simpleness of some questions and how difficult the answers can be at times. It was a lot of fun.

While most of the discussion was probably somewhat on overload, unclear, no order, etc., the thing I hope I left her with was that I know that I'm following God's plan for me, and I have that surety of knowing what I need to know through the Spirit by prayer and study, and that she can do the same thing for herself. That this is something that I'm doing because I know it's what I should be doing and it isn't just the tradition of my parents that I'm following in or the dental plan(according to one convert I know would jokingly say was the reason he joined the LDS church). If I showed her that, I feel that that would take precedence over my blunders of going Kolobing.


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