Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In violation of home teaching

Today, my home teaching companion and I set up our last home teaching appointment for the month. The rest we took care of at the beginning of the month. We couldn't get this particular person because they had just returned from Utah. Well, the home teachers of her roommate decided to show up at the same time, so we had four home teachers for two sisters in our branch. Normally, this shouldn't be a problem. We had a prayer, went over the lesson, then asked how things were going. At that point things started to digress. The part about this is that you have the most sarcastic guy, the second most sarcastic guy, myself(who appreciates sarcasm more than most), my comp(weird in general, but cool), and the two sisters who apprieciate humor that involves bashing.

The conversation started off with bashing jobs, then relatives, FHE, people in the branch and their quirks. We went off pretty hard-core on everybody in the singles branch. We were having a riot, just feeding off of each other. Then after bashing all that we really shouldn't be bashing, we left with a prayer. Before saying the prayer they were commenting how we really should pray for forgiveness for as much as we're hammering and talking incredibly bad about all these people. So during the prayer, and trying to keep my ever optimistic view, instead of saying that, I say, "Thank you for the oppurtunity we have to fellowship with one another," at which point they all try to hide the mirth present.

It was perhaps the most fun and least amount of spirituality I've ever had during home teaching. I was talking with one of the guys afterwards and told him how terrible that was, to which he replied, "Yeah, we totally violated their home." I would agree.

Hey, at least this Sunday, we're getting bingo cards for testimony meeting. They will include travel log, the friend testimony, the crier, the joker, the flirt from podium, false doctrine as center square, the lesson giver, etc. Instead of shouting bingo when you win, you stand up to go bear your testimony, then sit back down.

So what do you do during home teaching?


At 11:37 AM, Blogger bandjam said...

My first year here I had a different set of hometeachers each month. My roommates thought it was so hilarious and were making bets on who the next unlikely set of guys it would be. We eventually decided that my real ones didn't want to do it and so would pawn the assignment off to the first poor soul they crossed on the last day of the month.

Then I didn't get taught for about 2 years.

Then I had these two home teachers who would come and give my roommate and I an hour lesson that once turned into an hour and a half. What's worse is they would ask us a question and the question would be so long that you wouldn't remember what the beginning of the question was and so they would have to repeat the question. Cringe!

This past summer I had these two 18 year olds who were trying to teach my roomate (23) and I (22) and were so scared of us (mainly our ages) and so would stutter and repeat themselves and always watch us if they said something they weren't sure was correct. It was actually rather amusing to watch. But yeah, congratualations on forever being remebered as 'that hometeacher that ...'.
Well, have a fun day.



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