Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Way of the T-shirt is no more

Yesterday was perhaps the second day in my life that I've done serious clothes shopping, which for me means about an hour or more of shopping. Next week I start my student teaching. My wardrobe consisted of jeans and free T-shirts, one pair of khakis that fits tightly, a couple of nicer shirts, then masses of Sunday clothes left from my mission that I wouldn't use in a school setting. Obviously, I had no choice but to get some new clothes for my student teaching, and well, for the rest of my career.

So I now have to venture into a field that I know absolutely nothing about. Great. I called up This Girl for advice, but she didn't know too much about guys clothing. She said she could do girls clothing, but not guys. So I call up my sister for help, and she's even taught before, so she would know better than most what would be appropriate and not.

I basically had no clue. I had a few ideas of what I wanted but not really. Mostly is was my sister picking out the clothes and me trying them on. Although there was a good deal of me making fun of shirts that I don't think I could pull off. There's was also my thought of I could be the eccentric music teacher and wear something pretty garish. Then there were times I couldn't remember what shirts go with what pants. I can't say that I've ever had that problem before. You really don't have to worry about that with jeans and a T-shirt. Some of you may disagree with that statement though, but at least all of my T-shirts are white with some 5K race, marching band, blood donating, or UK logo on it. We're about to finish at the first store and I ask about socks. We head over to the socks, and you know what, they have different colors. Did you know that? I figured I just needed some more black socks, but I guess that they're are other colors than white and black. We didn't pick any up at that store, but did walk out of that one with some shirts and pants. We went to another store to find some khakis as the one we were at didn't have any that worked for me, and picked up another shirt. This place didn't have colored socks at it, so we had to go to yet another store for that. At least I was fine on belts, or so I think. One black and one reddish-brown belt. So nothing there. We didn't have time for shoes, but I've got one pair that'll work and who knows what else I'm supposed to do with that.

Suffice it to say that the way of the T-shirt is no more, I'm sad to say. I guess I'll have to sacrifice my ease of not caring what I wear to something that takes slightly more effort. I guess not a bad thing, just one more step to the real world.


At 12:51 AM, Blogger tiblittle said...

Oh no, I totally forgot to budget for teacher clothes for this year! Whatever will I wear?

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I remember shopping for "teacher clothes" for the first time :). I've never quite been able to pull off looking professional, though, and when I tried to look at other teachers at my school for ideas, none of it looked like me. Fortunately for the next couple years I'll just have to worry about dressing like a grad student - that's easy.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll get used to the "professional" dress soon enough, Trueblat. When I started my internship last fall I had to expand my moderate collection of respectable clothing, and it's coming in handy now. I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy some days, but I appreciate being able to look respectable when I need to. There were several times in my internship that I knew I was taken more seriously because I dressed up a little bit, and I'm sure it'll be important for you too. Maybe it's part of growing up. Look at it this way--at least you're a guy and you can find clothes for you. Every time The Redhead tries to find new clothes I thank my lucky Y chromosomes.


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