Friday, June 24, 2005

Thing that pisses me off

So I get home from my workshop today, and I find out my brother has actually cleaned a little bit. Do you want to know what he cleans? He cleans my scriptures and journal, which I happened to leave out this morning. Does he clean the dishes that I can't do, or take out the trash, which I also can't do? Maybe the bathroom, which I've tried to wipe down once in a while, and wasn't cleaned once during my entire month home while having surgery? No, he cleans up anything that is remotely related to church and puts it out of his sight. Give me a freaking break. Even a family picture which I decided to put in our living room. After several attempts at keeping it in the living room and my brother throwing it back in my room, he decides to 'lose' a nice family picture with eight of nine siblings, which is a very rare occurrence. It's also a recent picture. He's also thrown out some of my church CD's which I had to retrieve from the trash.

Come on brother, you haven't been to church in a year and a half now. Seeing church stuff around really shouldn't bother you that much. Get over your freakin guilt every time you see some church related thing. Geez. Get a life.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger tiblittle said...

That must be really frustrating for you to have your brother be so inconsiderate. I can only imagine how independent you are and the fact that you can't do some things for yourself is really hard to swallow. I hope you don't feel like you have to tread lightly about the church with your brother. I don't know him, but I don't think it's a good idea to help him hide from his guilty feelings. Anyway, you have my sympathies.


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