Monday, October 17, 2005

Yet more on FHE

I don't have a lot of time to write, but I wanted to get this in before I went to bed, so I'm probably not even going to proof-read this for those that care. Sorry

So tonight at FHE, and actually for the past two months, things have gone rather well with the lessons. They're well-prepared and thought out. They're doing a wonderful balance between spiritual and fun activities. I'm impressed at how well of a job they're doing.

It just so happens that the same girl is in charge of it. She has done an exceptional job in getting things taken care the past couple of months, where before she did an absolutely terrible job and I've written plenty of rants on her and FHE. The BIG downside to this is that absolutely no one comes to FHE any more. We had a total of 6 singles there, and one couple from the Branch Presidency. It's really sad, as I've thought about. The FHE coordinator finally got her act together, and nobody's willing to give her any more chances at doing something constructive for FHE. It actually really pisses me off, when I know there should easily be over 30 people attending FHE.

I guess I really feel sorry for the girl. She's finally putting the time and energy required to fulfill the calling, and everybody else has given up on her and all of her efforts at trying to bring things together are for nothing. She doesn't really get to see any fruits of her labors.

The thing that really gets me down about this is what myself and one of the other singles had to do that night. The girl normally in charge of FHE wasn't there, and somebody on the committee was running it, and was pleading with us about what we can do to get more people attending FHE. The brutal honesty of it is that the girl in charge needs to be replaced. Not because she's failing at her calling as much as people won't support her in her calling anymore. We didn't feel comfortable telling everybody there that, but we talked specifically to the Branch Presidency member there afterwards and told him what exactly needs to be done to get everyone back out to FHE. Can the girl and put somebody else in.

Wow, do I feel hateful of myself right now. I can't really say that that is supporting her in her calling, and to me, the higher road seems to be telling the entire branch what's up and what their responsibility is, which I am half-tempted to do. At this point, it's not the fault of the girl anymore as it is the fault of the entire branch that this girl finally gets on track only to be taken out of the calling because of the stubberness of all of those in the branch. It's really sad. I feel like reaming the entire branch, but it's not my place to do such a thing, unless I'm specifically told by the branch presidency to do so. That was actually one thing they brought up and joked about with us, but I don't think they would ever do that, unfortunately. Chastisement isn't nessicarily a bad thing in certain situations. Oh well. I just hope that girl doesn't take it too hard to find all her efforts are useless.


At 12:13 PM, Blogger tiblittle said...

That's one of my biggest fears: that I'll finally do something right, but because I've screwed up so much, no one will notice. That really stinks for her.


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