Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Weather in Kentucky is always interesting. A couple of years ago we got an ice storm that destroyed quite a bit and kept University of Kentucky closed for three days. The only reason they opened the fourth day was so the basketball team could play their game that night.

Today, I'm sitting there reading a book and I hear thunder. Well, there goes my chances of biking anywhere, but I didn't hear any rain to go with the thunder. I look out my window, and nothing, sun is shining, a little bit of wind and a couple of clouds, and that's it. I go back to my reading, and I still hear thunder occassionally, but it's still a bright sunny day.

Next thing I know it's getting more and more intense and then knocks the power out. At this point, I figured there was some rain falling, or at least clouds that were dark. I look out the window and it's still a bright sunny day with some wind. Well the thunder came and went, and the electricity still hadn't come on, but since there's no rain I bike over to campus to use a computer, and I saw a few patches of water on the ground and that's it on my bike ride over. In talking with somebody I ran across from the singles branch, she said that she got rain, but looking up into the sky, it was nice, sun shine, and blue. Must have been a very insolated powerful storm then. But in all my years in Kentucky, I've never seen a storm like that one, just bizarre.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Morbidness and eating(not related)

As I was traveling back to my home-town, I heard on the radio that a lady that worked at _______ was killed in an accident. Well, one of the members of the branch works there, so after I got back in town and went to institute on Thursday, I asked her about it. Well it ended up that a truck lost control and hit a wall of a parking garage on the second floor. It knocked the 2.5 ton panel loose and crushed a women walking beneath on the ground floor. She was telling me how traumatizing it was for two other employees who witnessed it and how they're going through therapy because they saw this panel fall and completely crush this woman and there was no space between the road and panel that the person could even fit. At this point, I'm trying hard not to burst out laughing. I'm getting visual images similar to Wiley Coyote being crushed by a rock during one of his many falls, then Wiley Coyote coming out as an accordion or piece of paper, or many of the other things that happen to him. So as she continues to talk about the incident, I'm trying harder and harder not to laugh, well in the end I didn't succeed, and burst out laughing. She must think I'm the weirdest person.

My roommate and I decided to fix a meal last night, and as he is the much better cook, I let him do most of the cooking while I helped out in various ways. This guy is from India, so any cooking he does is usually loaded with curry. We ended up fixing a curry sauce with sausage in it, and ate Indian bread with it. It was delicious. Admittedly very spicy. Actually, this meal was half as spicy as he usually makes things. He didn't add any chili powder for one thing. But anyway, that just means my taste buds aren't seared off in the first bite. I had eaten quite a bit of it, and you could really tell. At this point, I think I had used five napkins to wipe the sweat off my forehead. Anyway, he was telling me that he was surprised that he was as hungry as what he was. He was telling me about how at the hospital that he was finishing up his schooling at, they fixed a bunch of chocolate things, cake, pudding, regular chocolate, etc. He then states, "That chocolate was so rich it burned my tough." I just looked at him. There he is eating curry with me, without the least bit of burning sensation of what I'm feeling, while I'm sweating like a pig, and tells me that chocolate burned his tongue. Sheesh.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Mom. You will be missed. It just doesn't feel the same without you.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Mom's Legacy

Although this has been a while in coming, this is one of our mother's true legacies that my mom left behind, and that is our musical talent. These are the actual performances we did at my mom's funeral. Surprisingly, even with the tears and emotion, it's not too bad of quality.

Those were the Days

Be still my soul

If you could hie to Kolob

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fingertips.... Fingertips...

On Easter weekend, my brother and I went down to my sister's. During that time, our bathroom flooded, not bad, we came back and most of the water was dried up. We just had wet rugs and things were a little dirtier than usual. Well, we didn't have time to really take care of it that night or the next day, so on Monday after Easter I went to work on it. I decided that I wanted to get it exceptionally clean. I figured I'd use a stronger cleanser than normal. I decided to use the liquid we use on the toilet bowl. Powerful stuff. Not my smartest idea ever. I tell you what, that tub looked like brand new after I was through with it, but my hands at that point were swollen and completely red. Then it hit me, I just sloshed around chemicals that are made to touch the body at all. I hurried to the sink and thoroughly washed my hands off, but the damage had been done. For the next week, my hands peeled off layers of skin, and in general weren't too happy with me. To this day, you can't really tell that it happened when my hands are dry. The weird part is that once I run my hands under water, certain parts of my fingertips suck in the water and are paler than the surrounding skin. It looks as if you had just soaked your hands for an hour in water instead of just introducing them to water. Let's just hope that that's all that it is.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Teenage Angst

My brother keeps on stating how he loves to hate everything, which I proceeded to make fun of him for being the type of teenager that bases their life on it. As I was thinking on this last night, I was trying to find the appeal in this whole attitude of hating everything. Then it hit me, it's easy. It's easier to hate than to love. It's easier to blame everyone else for your mistakes and hate them for it than to take responsibility for yourself. It's easier to be a weak individual and not work to improve you life and say you love hating life. It just seems so shallow to me, and absolutely no depth to the type of person who says they love to hate. I pity all of you like that.