The mind of a music major...
On Saturday, I needed to head over to the church to get some things ready for choir practice on Sunday. I knew there was a Relief Society things going on for about four or five hours and that I would be able to get in. I get there, and find that two guys in our ward are babysitting 10 kids for five hours. So I decided to pitch in and help.
This once was a cause of concern for me almost three years ago. My obsession for music borders on the unhealthy at some points. It's not just the amount of time I spend with it. In fact that's not really my concern. My concern falls under my love for it. I go to some activity where I'm supposed to socialize, and I will do two things. I will discuss music with you, or I will find a piano or some place where I can enjoy music without having to be interacting with human beings. I do not talk to human beings just for that sake, I talk to them with the intent to discuss music. I made some decisions to try to curb the worst of my tendancies to do this.
This is a quote that I've often used this past year. Many people often greet each other with something along the lines of "How's it going?" or other some such statement. Everyone has their replies that they use over and over. Mine is usually just, "Doing good" Okay, so not the best grammar out there, but it works. I was more concerned that in saying that, it wasn't really true. So I decided to incorporate another phrase into some type of answer. I now say, "I'm alive" People seem to find this phrase as rather depressing. Now I've never really seen it as a depressing statement, in fact, I really like this answer. It makes me enjoy the little things in life, such as not being dead.