Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm alive

This is a quote that I've often used this past year. Many people often greet each other with something along the lines of "How's it going?" or other some such statement. Everyone has their replies that they use over and over. Mine is usually just, "Doing good" Okay, so not the best grammar out there, but it works. I was more concerned that in saying that, it wasn't really true. So I decided to incorporate another phrase into some type of answer. I now say, "I'm alive" People seem to find this phrase as rather depressing. Now I've never really seen it as a depressing statement, in fact, I really like this answer. It makes me enjoy the little things in life, such as not being dead.

Really, there are many cool things in that statement, "I'm alive" Number one, I can breathe air. You know, it's a really good thing to be able to breathe are. My lungs work, my heart pumps blood, my muscles work. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to not breathe anything, and then, after a short period of time, you won't feel anything at all.

I wouldn't like it if I couldn't feel anything at all. That's another reason I'm alive. I can actually feel things, whatever that would happen to be. "I'm alive" is a declaration that I'm alive, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So for all of you who think it's a very depressing thing to say, it's really not. I'm just thankful for all the little things in life.


At 12:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My stock phrase is "I'm here." Because really - anyone that actually sees me these days is darn lucky I am even there. I just don't have time to go around doing things lately.


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