Monday, December 20, 2004

Aura of ???

So I finally am out here in Provo. Sorry, no insane flight stories, nice and peaceful, although a little boring. So the first night out here I stay up till 2 A.M. talking to my sister. Realize that I'm from Kentucky. So, yeah, 4 A.M. Well we discussed many things, and so I'm just putting up my thoughts about one of our conversations.

We are the most intimidating people to have others come and talk to us. I don't think intimidating is the word I want to use, but I'm not sure what else to use. If you ever see us, we are loners and very independent people. You will hardly ever see us in a group of people. I think I've mentioned something like that prieviously. My sister related the following example, which is just one of the many, many examples. In a class you have to take here at BYU called American Heritage Freshman year, they have a review session where they stick all the lasses together in one room. The entire room is full of people, some are even standing and in isles and everywhere else. My sister is in the middle of the room sitting, with empty seats on each side of her, and nobody chooses to sit in them. They'd rather stand or sit in isles or wherever else. We really can't figure out what it is. What do we say by our appearance that keeps people from ever approaching us? Granted it goes the same the other way that we don't go up to people and talk to them. Yet most people have their closenit groups and never branch out. Who knows why, whatever.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger erin said...

No, it's a factor of personal space. It happens in other classes too. People would rather make themselves uncomfortable physically instead of sit in a seat that violates their 2.5 feet of personal space. Not having someone sit by us because of said people's rules happen to everybody.


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