Saturday, December 11, 2004

Weights are lifted

This week hasn't been the greatest week, and it's all because of my stupidity. In one class, we had some stuff due. Well, I ended up not doing it. That was before Thanksgiving. This teacher allows for some measure of lateness, so I wasn't too worried, even though it was our final test and our final report on observing classrooms. She left for Japan for the rest of the semester and everything else is online. Well I didn't do that either. It just stuck in the back of my mind since Thanksgiving, of all I had to do. So whenever I thought about it, I would quickly run for cover and do something else, no matter what it was. Well, this can wear you down pretty much to nothing. So yesterday, I was talking to another student in that class, and she said that everything was due by midnight. Well, let's see... that's nine assignments all due by midnight, several being 3-5 page essays. Great. So at noon yesterday I attacked it and worked for the next nine hours and turned it all it. Why did I have to be so stupid as to let that hang over me for the last three weeks? I don't know. I always do that. Afterwards, this huge weight is lifted and I can be at peace, more or less. Today's been great. I can do what I want, and have no problem. There's still two finals next week, but I'm caught up. It's great. I do like how as a music major, finals are a joke. I've got nine classes this semester and two finals during actual finals week. And one of those is racquetball.


At 4:50 PM, Blogger Novel Concept said...

My worst bought of procrastination came when I had 4 2-4 pages essays due by 10:00 Saturday morning, and I didn't bother to start them until 10:30 the night before. This wouldn't have been too bad, except the class I was taking was PLSC 458 the first semester of my freshman year. Not smart. I ended up getting half an hour of sleep in between papers three and four, and then making it to turn them in. My grade in the class managed to do very little to reflect my procrastination (thankfully), but I don't think I'll try doing that one again.


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