Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Christmas Week

So I'm finally back from Utah. All in all and really fun trip. I got to spend time with my sister, meet relatives I didn't know. Eat more food than I probably have the entire semester. Spent more time playing video games than I have the rest of the semester combined. Met Duchess and Phoenix. Saw four movies, which sadly is probably more than I watched during last semester. Saw an old friend who I hadn't seen in five years. Sang with somebody who could do harmonies on the spot, didn't have to conduct the music and therefore have to sing melody, so I could sing any part I wanted. Spent Christmas day with my aunt and sister. Had an enjoyable time playing card games, improving at the piano with my sister, saw a movie, ate out, she even had quite a few presents for us. So that was a bonus. A lot of what she gave us will come into good use to. About the only thing that I didn't care for was the fact that there was barely any snow in Utah. It was pretty dishearting to find out that at the airport when I arrived home that it had snowed about four more inches than what Utah got. We spent about 15 minutes digging our puny car out of its parking spot. Although Lexington didn't get snow, we had yet another ice storm. Wish I had some pictures of it for you. This is the third year in a row we've had ice storms bad enough to pull down trees. It wasn't as bad as two years ago, when it knocked out power across town and we spent several days burning phone books for warmth. At least we had gotten out of school for two days. It would have been a third day, but there was a basketball game that day, so they decided to have school so they could have the basketball game. Wow, that was a tangent. Anyway, it was a fun time to spend in Utah and I enjoyed being nonconstructive and just taking it easy.


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