Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I'll be in your neck of the woods

Let's try this again, it deleted my entire writing, at least it wasn't long, for me that is. I've even copied it, just in case it decides to delete it again.

First of all, I must say that I'm pretty flattered from your responses. Really, I'm touched, and I don't even have power to fire you or pay you. I might be able to order you a pizza, and at least that will feed a family of four.

About a week ago, a question on the board was posted by Nobody Vespucci. Since she is my sister, I called her up to get her plans for Christmas. Paraphrasing her words, it goes something like this... I plan on getting up, fixing myself a nice breakfast on Christmas morning, and that's it... Well I couldn't have that, so some action had to be taken. My parents are flying out to Texas to visit yet another brother, so I couldn't really go home for Christmas. I e-mailed my mom and told her that for Christmas, I wanted to fly out to Utah and visit Nobody Vespucci(insert real name), and that since I've given a definate answer instead of being my usual wishy-washy self, she should send me. So I'm going to be flying out to Utah. I'm really excited. I've got to remember to give my mom some mad props for doing this too.

There are a few problems though. I can't bring my tuba with me. That will be the longest period I'll have gone without playing since returning from my mission. That would be a week and a half long. My sister doesn't have work or school, and she runs about the way I do. We going to have a week and a half without anything to do, or a vehicle. This will make it very interesting to see what we'll end up getting into. The other thing that stinks is that my flight leaves from Louisville to New Jersey, then out to Salt Lake. Ugly.

One ironic thing I find funny. Most everyone from BYU is going home for Christmas and leaving the bubble. Not me, I'm going to BYU and into the bubble for Christmas. A departure from the norm, but a really anticipated fun departure.


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