Saturday, November 27, 2004

Thanksgiving Weekend

All in all, a good weekend, although no work got done outside of the two hours of practice. I also didn't complete my final for a class as I needed to. Yes the final. The teacher is flying out to Japan, and had us do a takehome final that was due the day before Turkey Day. Didn't turn it in. I had all the plans to do it this weekend, but do you know how hard it is with 7 nieces and nephews reaking havoc on the home. I had 5 brothers and sisters there, and a brother and sister in law there as well. Of course competition was involved too. Our normal favorite game, which my brother trounced me quite throughly in. Here's a count of other things that happened.

First off there's my oldest brother's relationship to my mom, and authority figures in general. It's a very love to hate, or hate to hate relationship there. My older brother inherited all the smart genes, which we have a ton of, and none of the social skills, which we have little of anyway, making it all the worse. Basically, he seeks stupidity in everything that happens and in every decision in the decisions that figureheads make. My mom can be quite... strongheaded at times and given to worrying about the smallest minute details of everything. Basically, we are still 4 year olds in her eyes. Now a near genious brother is being questioned by a mother about every little detail. Since I'm on the younger side of the 9 kids, I never heard these arguments, and if I did, I didn't comprehend them. Now, as I listen they are hilarious. They bicker constantly back and forth the entire time, and both are too stubborn to change their ways. My older sister, also a music major and the closest to the carefree personality that I am, just laugh about it, with some proper guilty feelings for laughing at their inability to communicate without getting on each other's nerves. It's not funny, but man, it certainly is.

Another point of interest to me was that I thought my intense reading days were over. But I seem to take my breaks from school as seriously as I take my schooling. I read five books over the break, the shortest being 250 pages. I've slept 5 hours the past two and a half days. I started a series of books yesterday at about noon, started strait into the next one, devoured that one, and at five in the morning I started the last book, attempting to finish it before I collasped, or had to leave, as I got a ride with another family member. Well, at least I finished it as we entered Lexington. The other reading marathon I can remember was right before college started and I wanted to finish as much of the work and glory series as possible, so I read 23 hours straight, the only thing I got up for was for bathroom breaks, and nothing else. At least this time around a took a couple of naps, I went to bed one night, but nephews are rather unforgiving in the morning.

Already, this is counted as my best Christmas ever. Since there's no Christmas at home, some gifts were exchanged early. I got a trumpet and a mute from my brother(the very intelligent one), I was very pleasantly surprised, and along with the plane tickets to Salt Lake to visit my sister at BYU, my mom gave me a small refrigerator to put in my office. Since she knows I neglect my body while at school, and lets face it, I've eaten lunch probably about 15 times this semester, if even that, she left no oppurtunity for me to starve myself. I now actually feel obligated to eat so as not to waste such an expensive gift. It was very thoughtful of her since I only mentioned it in passing, and it really is something I can use, and something I would have never expected. This by far has been the best Christmas for me. And I've been very thankful for it. Well, considering I'm dead on my feet, and have a very large headache from reading to much and lack of sleep, I'm going to bed now.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger Novel Concept said...

Oh man, I completely understand the sleeping problems. Everytime I have a break, I think to myself, "gee, this will be a good time to catch up on some sleep." Then, in the midst of all the fun, I end up sleeping less than I do during a regular school week. Oh well. At least those times are more fun than paper writing.


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