Sunday, January 09, 2005


So this past week was my fun time in Florida. I got a new nickname on this trip. Grandpa. Going on a mission and attending a University other than BYU tends to put you in a totally different category than everyone else. That coupled with the fact that this band is made of mostly underclassmen. Since the tuba studio the largest, we don't even have any freshman tubas and we have a two juniors that didn't even make a band. Anyway, so the average age is probably 20, while I'm at 23 with one person that I know of older than me who's student teaching and couldn't do the top band because of it. So anyway, it just never ceases to amaze me how immature, irresponsible, and stupid some people can be. Course I guess I may have been the same at some point, but still. Case in point, you're in college and you're still saying 'penis' and 'boobies' over repeatedly and get a kick out of it. Grow up peoples. Let's see, what else. One guy got completely drunk and was smoking mota. He was quite high. Eventually he passed out. Well the rest of the band all wants to see, so it's kind of like a viewing with about 30 people going in and out of this room to see this guy completely passed out. Then one of the girls decides to get pictures with her on top of him, etc, etc. Then they decide to pick him up and leave him out on the porch completely passed out. So that was the first night.

Second night, we have a rehearsal just before we're released for the night. The band director's last words of the rehearsal were, "Let's get loaded." Obviously has more than one meaning, which, I might add the students took to heart. The same girl who took pictures decides to make a beer run for all the students since she's one of the few old enough to get it. She has so much, she can't even carry it all. She had to drag a box full of it along the floor of the hotel.

The third night is when we actually had the most amount of free time during the night, so I just decide to spend my time in the hotel. I'm much more of a home person and would rather curl up with a good book than go out for a night on the town. This is when they decided my new nickname would be grandpa. They(my roommates in the hotel) told me to join them and that they wouldn't get drunk, so I went ahead and went with them. They held pretty true to their word. Although they had to stop and get some Cuban cigars and smoke them, so I just tried to stay upwind from them. We ate at a restaurant, don't even remember the name, but had roast beef, Cuban style. Pretty good. Then we found a game place and fooled around there. So we're heading back to the hotel and run into other members of the band. One girl in particular is just absolutely gone, can't even stand on her own and completely, well, drunk. All the while people are making fun of her and messing with her, while one of her friends is telling everybody to leave her alone. Whatever, I guess I just don't understand it's appeal. The group I was with only had a beer each, so I guess that's not bad.

Anyway, I was glad to be home and away from the other people, it grated on me quite a bit. Anyway, I could get all philosophical about this, etc, etc, but school for me hasn't started yet, and I'm not up to using my mind just yet. Perhaps I will on related subjects eventually.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger tiblittle said...

Sounds like a rockin' time you had in Florida. I can't say I understand what it's like to be you because the last time I was around that type of crowd was in high school. And they didn't have the same access to the stupid things college students seem to have. BYU just doesn't seem to have the same problems on band trips. Speaking of which, the Philharmonic (and my contrabassoon) are going to Reno and Oakland this weekend and I think probably the worst thing that could happen would be if the percussion section decided to lead the bus in a bunch of show tunes. Or if a certain percussionist "puts the moves on" me again- uhg. So, you're learning the bassoon this semester? Awesome. If you have any embarrassing questions ("Where am I supposed to stick this piece?") feel free to ask me.


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