Thursday, November 11, 2004

Feeling Bad

I feel evil today. I'm never one to use any type of malnipulation on a person, until today. Since moving into our new apartment, my brother has cleaned the place once on his own in five months, and I wasn't going to take it any more. I've stayed quiet, politely reminded him, got semi-angry at him, etc. Anything, I've done it. I usual clean the apartment really well on my own once a month, and pull teeth to get him to help me straighten up the rest of the time. Well, today I get home, and I'd like to actually get the place clean, knowing full well he'll drag his feet and won't do a thing, I start working, while he sits and plays the same computer games he's played 10 hours a day minimum for the past week. When this happens, it usually pisses me off, which is exactly what I wanted to happen, for the express purpose of strait up telling him exactly how I feel and what he needs to do. I was downright plain mean, no holds bar on him. Well, after reaming him hardcore, he says, fine I'll clean the place if you go get shopping done. This is after I've gone off on him about 3 times already to help out. Well I've just got the shopping done, and stopped by school to write this up. I purposely put him into a position where he has to clean, no ifs ands or buts about it. And I feel really guilty doing it too. I don't like to malnipulate people into doing what I want. Well, I've got to go, I'm illegally parked on campus.


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