Friday, October 29, 2004

I AM...

When the question of colors came up on the board, I was curious what I would show up as, but as I've made two comments the past two days, I decided not to post it there, and instead post it here.

Now... this might be a big surprise to all those who read the board(sarcasm added). I am in fact... yellow. Yep, no if, ands, or butts about it. It was very decidedly yellow. Who would have guessed?

On a side note. The test they do out at BYU, with I believe, red, white, yellow, and blue, my sister is exactly half red and half white. This is the same results she gets every time. I call her the angry peacemaker. If something's amiss, she'll rip everyone apart and have them all make up. Or attempt to anyway.

Speaking to sister at BYU, I've assumed by now you've found this site, and found out some surprising things about me. You'd be the only person to read this who actually has met me. If you have located it, feel free to mess around with how to do things on this site which I can't figure out. Add links on the side, have it show up something other than N/A, etc. Fool around with your mad computer science major skills. You already know how to access my site without me even telling you. Am I predictable or what?

Another side note from the Board, the highest Tetriss level is 10. You hit that around 20,000 points, or at least we did. You should see our Tetriss-like wars though. Tetriss Attack, I forget what game system, we'd spend hours trying to best one another in that game. I got my brother in trouble with his wife so many times doing that. He was the better, but after my mission, I came out on top. There's also the similar Pokemon one. I beat the top level in only 8 continues. Good times.


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Trueblat said...

I was wondering whether 'the Redhead' was a board writer or not, I guess so. I'm guessing you are also 'A Music Major' on the board when I did ask questions last year. As far as Dr. Mario, my brother got to the game before me, so when I got around to it, he could just trash me, so I didn't get into that one all that much.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger erin said...

Congratulations on being a yellow! I think yellows are fun. It's too bad that I'm perpetually doomed to be white.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Yes, you've run across a special little Board secret that few people have figured out, that I'm married to Kassidy. By the way, she taught me how to mess with the template and put links on the side. She's a lot better at html than I am. It's pretty easy, though, just look at someone's page that has the Links section and hit "Source" under "View" and look in the part after "Begin Sidebar". You'll find the Links part soon enough, and you can copy and paste that in. Make sure to preview it first, but if it works, save it and you're ready to go. It's easier than writing it all in yourself.


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