Sunday, November 14, 2004

This week's schedule

Lately, my schooling has slowed and slowed till it has ground to a halt. I still manage to practice, but it's highly unfocused and nothing is getting accomplished. My studies have almost vanished completely from my schedule, although the past week has been a little better. So I've decided to write out my goals of what I want accomplished when, and not just 'study' or 'practice'. I can always justify using study time for naptime. It's really not a hard process. When you sleep, you're mind orders and catologs everything it's taken in, (I'm fairly sure, you can correct me if I'm wrong), so in a sense, when you sleep, that information you learn in class is being ordered, thereby, you are studying. How's that for justification? So I'm going to write out each day and what I plan to accomplish when.

6:30 - get up, get ready, eat, bike into campus
7:30 - scripture study(read through talk by Elder Scott, #paragraphs)
8:00 - Daily Routine
9:00 - Music Methods and Teaching
10:00- General Music
11:00- String Methods cancelled(write report #1 for observations for EDP)
12:00- Tuba Euph Ensemble cancelled(practice F-tuba)
focus on low excerpts and developing bottom register
Penderecki - run through
- 3rd page top, get proper alternate fingerings down and rhythm and speed correct
- 3rd page bottom, get pitches in head and sounding properly
Horovitz - 1rst movement - metronome work
- 2nd movement - look up terms and find the phrasing
1:00 - break(check e-mail, e-mail family, 100 Hour Board, and blogs)
2:00 - C tuba practice
Wagner excerpts
Snedecor - 5 excerpts - fff!!!
Meinz - learn first half of piece, become familiar with the rest
3:00 - Write observation report for general music
4:00 - Practice piano, get daily routine book from George, instrument cage errands
5:00 - Band
7:00 - FHE
8:30 - Prepare lesson for elementary students on brass instruments, songs to use(sorry, no Flight of the Bumblebee), practice all instruments, etc.
9:30 - Prepare my section on communication disorders

6:30 - get up, get ready, eat, bike into campus
7:30 - scripture study(find main points in Elder Scott's talk and study them)
8:00 - meet with group to create presentation on communication disorders
9:30 - Teaching Exceptional Learners in Classroom Environment
11:00- Daily Routine(use George's daily routine book to reevaluate my now obsolete routine with relevant material) focus on looking for range excercises, slurs, touguing, wide jumps, interval studies
12:30- concert
2:00 - piano
2:30 - raquetball
4:00 - home/shower/eat
4:30 - F tuba practice
low register
Horovitz - 1rst movement - run through, find problematic areas
- 2nd movement - make it have some musical sense
Penderecki - run through, build enderance
- 3rd page middle - focus on style
- 4rth page - note hacking, focus on intervals
Meintz - learn middle third, work top third up to tempo
5:30 - write up lesson plan for general music
6:30-9:30 - Band

6:30 - get up, get ready, eat, bike into campus
7:30 - scripture study(study scripture references made throughout talk)
8:00 - New and Improved Daily Routine(definitely needed it)
9:00 - Music Methods and Teaching
10:00- General Music
11:00- String Methods(cancelled again)practice F tuba
low register
Pederecki - run through
- 4th page - smooth out rougher passages, work on rhythm
Horovitz - 1rst movement - take care of problematic areas
- 2nd movement - continue making musical sense
12:00- Tuba Euph Ensemble(cancelled again)study EDP chapter 10
1:00 - break(check e-mail, e-mail family, 100 Hour Board, and blogs)
2:00 - C tuba practice
Wagner excerpts
Snedecor - 5 excerpts - fff!!!
Meinz - learn first half of piece, become familiar with the rest
3:00 - Write 2nd observation report for General Music
4:00 - nap
5:00 - Band
7:00 - write EDP listserve, practice all brass instruments and finalize teaching preparations, any other assignments and stuff that need to get done

6:30 - get up, get ready, eat, bike into campus
7:30 - scripture study(read through chapter for institute)
8:00 - Daily routine
9:30 - Teaching Exceptional Learners in Classroom Environment
11:00- lesson
12:00- eat, donate blood, break(e-mail, 100 Hour Board, and blogs)
2:00 - piano
2:30 - raquetball
4:00 - home/shower/eat/relax
5:30 - F tuba practice - depends how my lesson goes
7:00 - Institute
9:00 - Final practice and making sure everything is in order for teaching for Friday

6:30 - get up, get ready, eat, bike into campus
7:30 - scripture study(not sure what)
8:00 - observe elementary school band class
9:30 - brief daily routine
10:00- teach general music class brass lesson, get feedback
11:00- String methods, not cancelled, I finally get to play cello again
12:00- Load up, travel to elementary school
Teach 3rd and 4th grades, K and 1rst grades
3:00 - break(e-mail, 100 Hour Board, blogs)
4:00 - practice C or F tuba and piano or brass instruments
5:00 - no band, go home, relax
7:00 - dinner and talent show

If I actually get through this, expect me to be in a coma by the end of the week. Usually I hit a wall on Thursday, and get nothing accomplished the rest of the week, but I've got too many things to get accomplished to allow myself slacking time this week.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Good heavens, you are way too organized. Here's my weekly schedule:
6:45 get up and smack alarm clock across the room, go take shower
7:00 get out of shower, shave, and shiver into clothes
7:10 read scriptures and comics and eat breakfast
7:30 make lunch and run out the door
8:00-8:30 (depending on the Metro) arrive at work and do whatever needs to get done until it's time to go
4:30 catch Metro home
5:00 eat, relax, do token pieces of my final project (but don't really get that much done)
11:00 sleep

Repeat schedule through week.


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