Friday, November 12, 2004

"I don't care about your moral lives!!!"

This was the funniest thing I heard on Wednesday. It was absolutely hilarious. The string methods teacher here is probably the most serious guy you'll ever meet. Any time you ask a question, he gets on a soapbox for about 15 minutes, and rants and raves about how things should be done within music. All the while, he continues in extreme seriousness and it's ironic that it's one of the highlights of my day because it's just so funny. The question that eventually prompted this saying was, "Can you clarify what we're supposed to do for the assignment due Friday?" This leads to him talking about why he's having us do the assignment, followed by more random thoughts, followed by asking us if we've ever done church choir. Nobody has a chance to raise their hands yet, so he yells out "I don't care about your moral lives!!! I just want to know if you've done church choir before!!!" I busted out laughing. This guy doesn't try to be funny, but he is the funniest. You may have had to be there.

Don't get me wrong, this guy is an outstanding teacher and an awesome guy. I've never seen someone so passionate about teaching string methods. It's like he expects you to actually go and teach strings after you take his class, actually he probably does. His goals are very clear and focused, and his reasons why are very clear. He is a man with a purpose. But he's definitely a funny man.


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