Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Shoulder Woes #2

So you thought I was finished with this subject? Nope, there's more. As if it wasn't long enough already. But I'll have to keep this really short. I did it again. While trying to catch one of the fiery darts of the adversary at FHE, I reached up and dislocated my shoulder. This was the worst time ever. Out for 3 1/2 hours, two attempts made by doctors to relocate it before I got some painkillers and one more attempt. I lost all my reserves to hold the pain in at that point even with painkillers and they finally had to put me out.

Well, I can't practice any instruments for probably a week or two, and I'll doubt I'll write much with my arm essentially bolted to my side. I'm still drugged up, with little sleep, tons to read, no transportation, a huge lesson to prepare, practicing that needs to be done and can't. You know, honestly I'm in a pretty nuetral mood. None of it is bothering me. Must be the aftereffects of the drugs.

Who knew dodgeball can be so dangerous? Oh, mom, if you happen to read this, I may come home this weekend and, please, no lectures on my shoulder.


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