Friday, January 21, 2005

Institute and Inadequecy

So last week when I asked for the talk from the teacher so I could study and ponder on it some more, then wrote up my ponderings. I forgot that that can lead to other consequenses. Such as the teacher asking me the next week to be the class president. You know, it's not that that bothers me so much, it's what he said next. "I won't be here next week..." You know exactly what that's leading to. Yep, I've got the lesson next week. You know, since I'm going into teaching, it's not that big of a deal to teach, I've done that plenty of times. Granted I've never taught an hour and a half lesson for a class in church before. What bothers me is having to teach his class. This guy is an exceptionally good teacher. Very thoughtful, insightful, spiritual, and really conveys what we're studying and the reason very clearly. I'd just feel stupid teaching his class. It's like yesterday when I had to perform the Penderecki for masterclass. I got to follow the performance of two graduate performance majors. One's auditioning for a major orchestral tuba position that just opened up. You just don't do that. I can't follow those acts. It's these kinds of situations that make you grow and stretch, if just so you don't look so bad.


At 7:36 PM, Blogger tiblittle said...

Good luck with the teaching. I've found that the more class discussion you can have, the more time you fill up and the better everyone feels about the lesson. Sometimes people have great things to share, and sometimes the teacher is needed to rein in the discussion.

I totally know the feeling of having to play after someone who just nailed their piece. When I was beginning the music major, there were two excellent bassoonists who almost always played first in masterclass, then I would get up there and flub on my articulation exercise. Man, I felt like an idiot, but I'm not nearly as afraid to play in front of people as I used to be. Good luck with it and your lesson.


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