Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Too much

I've got quite a few things that I want to think about yet I can't keep them all straight. There's also a couple I want to blog on too. So I'm just gonna list what I plan on thinking on and possibly writing a blog on...

Racial segregation and discrimination in school settings.
(Inspired by MJ)Music theory and its relation to the gospel. I've never actually considered doing that before, makes a lot of sense though.
Band, choral, and orchestra programs and their restrictive environment to allow music to be taught.
Hate to love.
Irrevelant classes and goals on what I plan to study outside of class to compensate for the material I should know better before I begin a carreer teaching.

Now onto some randomness.

My branch has gone date crazy. In addition to the date box, for the Friday night activity, they are going to auction off dates. Needless to say, I'm not going. Maybe I should actually ask a girl out on a real date and take them to the LPO concert on Friday. Most likely I won't though.

I can play an hour of low etude excerpts at fff on tuba and feel only slightly winded, yet I can't play flute for 10 minutes without getting extremely light headed.

According to the opinion of most people, I look older without my glasses.

I need to review some of the vocabulary from freshman thoery. I know the stuff, I just forget the names.

It's easier to bike with no hands than with one hand, and under no circumstances should you try to change the front gears with you right hand.


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