Monday, March 21, 2005

Procrastination 2

Wow, over a week and I haven't written anything on my blog, or really looked at anyone else's except for the past couple of days. Although, I did pay attention more to BB. You know, I've written one post on procrastination, and now I get to write a second on, and it's unlikely to be the last. First off, it's nice having fast internet connection again. That's probably a bad thing as well.

So last week was spring break, and my chance to catch up on everything. The problem I have is that if my life isn't structured in some form or another, nothing really gets done. So I've got several big projects due right after spring break. Project number 1... I start at 9:30 the day before. Total length - 4 pages. The problem with this four pages is that I couldn't really get focused on what I needed to do. So it took me until 4 in the morning to finish it. Granted I had my brother read over my introduction and say what he thought. Well, he didn't like any of my wording, and would spend 10 minutes on each word, trying to find something better. After two hours of him going through just half a page, I told him I needed to get back to real work. While it was very unproductive, I must admit it was a lot of fun hacking it up and making fun of it, replacing it with words that were even worse or the same level of ugliness, then continueing on. So anyway, I was talking to some classmates and mine seems to be the smallest paper at a measly four pages. The next I heard was six, and one girl got hers up to 20 pages. This is for the same dictator that I so despise, probably why I didn't care about it too much.

Tonight, I get to read more of a book that I started over spring break, then write a report on it. I've done less than half the reading, so it will be interesting. And what do I do, I sit here and blog. I also waited until today to work up my last page of music for my senior recital. My last lesson is tommorrow before my pre-recital hearing. Let's not forget the assignments that I'm not doing for tomorrow. I've also got to arrange my tuba-euph quartets on Wednesday, and create another composition for my theory class. I move from procrastination to procrastination, for the remainder of my days. Here's to college life.


At 10:06 PM, Blogger SkyBluePink said...

Once, in a fit of post-procrastinational regret (that's so not even a word) I prayed for either snow or the flu during finals.

I got both.


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