Friday, February 18, 2005

To write or not

At times I have been tempted to write up my entire mission. I'm still at odds with whether I would want to or not. For those who haven't noticed, I tend not to say anything good about missions because of my experiences in the mission field. I keep making references on my blog or comments on others, yet I've never put down what happened in it's entire uglyness. I told two people about everything that happened, and several others parts of my mission. I haven't written it down because it's an experience I'll never forget, no matter how much I want to. I don't know if writing it down would help or not. There's also the matter of those who would read it. While my mission was my mission and it certainly doesn't reflect the norm, but I wouldn't want somebody who hasn't gone on a mission to be influenced by my experiences. It may convince some to be better prepared to meet the onslaught of mission life, or it could flat out scare them. I just don't know...


At 1:59 AM, Blogger tiblittle said...

That really surprises me that you had such a negative mission experience. You sounded like a happy guy on the phone, so it must've been something really terrible to make you feel so bad. You always run the risk of giving people the wrong ideas about things by simply stating your opinion or relating your experiences. When it is done tactfully, it can be good. I guess it's up to you, but I wouldn't worry too much about people who won't understand as long as you put an explanation with it.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Soren said...

Go for it; writing it all out is a very cathartic act, and will help you frame the experience within the context of "what effect is this going to have on the rest of my life?" Approaching it from a matter of "getting over it" isn't a good idea, because you really do need to come to grips with a lousy experience. Writing it out is a safe way to do so.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger N.F. said...

I'd say write it out, too. I guess in my little naive world--it's so hard for me to comprehend that there are negative mission experiences (on the part of the missionaries). But, I know someone from my stake who had a HORRIBLE mission experience--came home early and everything. I respect him; but he's a completely different person. It makes me sad--to be quite honest. And, what makes it hard(er) for me is that the mission he went to has some personal ties with me.


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