Saturday, March 12, 2005

We finally got snow

It's almost mid-March, and we finally got some snow, not too much, but it was enough to make a snow-man. Although This Girl and I decided it was a little too late to make a snow-man. If we had been a little more awake than what we were at 3 A.M. in the morning, we very well would have made one. It was tempting enough as it is. Is wasn't too cold, it was very bright outside for 3 in the morning.

I also took This Girl to her first concert last night. Well, she's been to others before, but that's high-school orchestra, etc. So I took her to an LPO concert, where they played a violin concerto(Mozart), a horn concertino by an individual I never heard of and couldn't tell you the name, and the reason I came, Mahler's "Titan" Symphony. Only my favorite symphony of all time. It was pretty good, except I thought the fourth movement was a little weak compared to the rest of them, which was sad because it had my favorite parts there. And then during the climax of the 1rst movement, I started coughing, and was concentrating so hard on not coughing, that I couldn't enjoy it.

This Girl and I had a discussion about that afterwards. I didn't realize how much I expect out of an audience during a performance. Not only do I abhor cell phones, watches, people coming in during the middle of a piece, but I hate it when people cough, and believe it is their duty to hold it in as much as possible. This Girl felt my views were a little extreme, which granted, after my coughing bout, yeah... It really annoyed me that I couldn't keep from coughing, because normally I can keep myself from coughing even when I need to. She finds my practice just absolutely bizarre. I don't even think other music majors would feel the way I do. Actually, I remember one LPO concert where they handed out free cough drops, but that's still not as bad as my view. I just think people can usually control their body better than what they do. Oh well.

I just wish there had been more people there. With a UK basketball game going on the same night, it wasn't near as full as it usually is, and this is Mahler. Oh well. It was a fun night, I was able to take This Girl to a concert, talk to her for quite a while afterwards, and see the most snow we've had all year. Not a bad start for Spring Break. (This means I probably won't be checking anything on the internet for a week, bad 56K modem, bad.)


At 2:08 AM, Blogger tiblittle said...

You have to admit that the bassoon solo in the 3rd mvt. is perhaps the coolest ever. BYU might play it next year and I'm going to fight tooth and nail (meaning "practice my fingers off") for that solo. However, my favorite Mahler symphony at the moment is No. 6. Music can't get any more tragic and creepy than that.

I'm totally with you about coughing during concerts. I hold it in until I cry if I have to. But what's worse is when the performers cough onstage. Come on! Show some self-respect please! Case-in-point: BYU-Idaho's concert in Provo last week. Way too much coughing onstage, and then someone in the audience who neglected to turn off their cell phone had a hard time finding it when it began to ring in a soft part. *sigh!*

Anyway, I don't think your expectations are too high. Nothing's worse than a cough-ruined solo on a recording night.

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wacked.

Incredibly picky I'm thinking...
Can we say anal retentive?

Sorry - don't necessarily mean to pick on you, but I deal with a Type A personality all day and am definitely seeing the signs here.

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wacked.

Incredibly picky I'm thinking...
Can we say anal retentive?

Sorry - don't necessarily mean to pick on you, but I deal with a Type A personality all day and am definitely seeing the signs here.

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wacked.

Incredibly picky I'm thinking...
Can we say anal retentive?

Sorry - don't necessarily mean to pick on you, but I deal with a Type A personality all day and am definitely seeing the signs here.


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