Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Just right

I've been meaning to write about this for a few days now, but I've been quite busy. First off, my last several blog entries haven't reflected how I've really felt while I wrote those. I mean my last three have been bashing aspects of LDS life, which isn't at all remotely close to how I currently feel. Second off, I think I don't write this stuff up, because it is goo, and my family doesn't do that. So I've been avoiding it as much as possible. Otherwise I probably would have written these things up last week.

I'm in a really great mood. I have been for quite some time. It's actually really weird. These past several weeks everything has improved. There is not any area that hasn't vastly improved within me. It seems that I've always had to struggle an exceptional amount to improve. I would always screw up, pick up pieces and continue my uphill battle to try to improve all the different characteristics of my life. These past couple weeks have just been phonominal. I also mentioned this a week ago, and my feelings on it haven't changed. It feels so much easier, everything feels just right. I don't think there's a morning or night that I don't thank Heavenly Father many times for allowing things to be the way they are right now.

I can't seem to attribute this to anything in my life but This Girl. I started feeling this way about the same time I took her on our first date. She is such a wonderful person. I find myself wanting to do everything possible to make sure I remain a worthy individual for her. I feel like somebody is helping me fight the good fight and wants me to succeed. It's really odd, but there are two adjectives that I would describe our relationship to each other that I would never really would have considered. Those to words I would use are proper and right. Kindof weird ones to choose, but that's how I feel to describe it best.

I'm kindof surprised I feel this way so immediately and early on in a relationship. I still feel there is so much more potential with the way things are going. Okay enough of the goo, onto what we're doing just for keepsakes.

Last weekend we learned some basic swing dance and waltz steps during the Friday night activity. She's really into dancing, so she knows these things and is teaching me to the best of her ability. Saturday, after we had a ton of meetings, we stopped by my place and talked from 5:30 till 12:30. We also fixed us a nice meal. She even had me pull out some vegetables from the back of our cabinet to eat. It was really funny. Afterwards, I went to another friends house to play Halo 2. You know what? It wasn't nearly as fun as I remember it being. It guess interests change.

This weekend we're either going to go contra dancing again, or we'll be going to a play that a girl in the branch is in. I'm looking forward to it either way. So life is exceptionally good right now and I hope to keep it that way.


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