Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Wow, I seem to be writing less and less. I think in a way, my blog has served its purpose and I don't feel the need to write everything down. Maybe it's because I have someone to share everything with, who knows. The only reason I'm writing now is because I am in need of a break and have two hours till class. Really, I should be studying for my test in European History, but I studied yesterday. Also today, I had my pre-recital hearing in front of a few professors, a exposition to write in the style of Bach, my test later on. I was able to get all of this ready and include three hours of observations for a class, put my mock website as a teacher up on the web. I don't know if I'll link it or not, as it does include my real name. Possibly when I make revisions to it. I've still got 26 hours of observations to do in the next three weeks, all the paperwork for my senior recital done, which is also three weeks, taxes to take care of, etc. After three weeks, I will be free, and my schedule will be so incredibly light compared to what has become the norm, even though there will be several weeks left in school.

On another random note, Kentucky sucks whenever it comes to overtime games. Our girls lost this week in double overtime as well as our guys. I'm not sure if you remember a question I posted on the Board a year and a half ago, of our football team losing after 5 or 7 overtime periods. It was tied as the longest game in football history. It'd be nice to actually have won some of those.


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