Sunday, February 13, 2005

This one's for you, mom, enjoy

I don't even know where to begin with this post as there's a lot I want to mention. First off, this week has been awesome. Very busy and exhausting, but really good.

I guess first off is a continuation of my dating philosophy, and what I did to change it. I decided that I would definitely ask This Girl out. So Sunday roles around and I'm talking to her during break the fast meal we have every fast Sunday. One of the guys in our branch shows her a dance that's going on this weekend in addition to several other church activities going on. So I'm talking to her about everything that's going on, and decided that that was an oppurtune time to ask her to the contra dance that's going on. So I asked, "So do you want to go to the contra dance?" To which she replied, "I don't know what I'm planning on going to, there's just so much going on." She didn't realize that I had just asked her to go to the dance with me. I was rather amused. I didn't find an oppurtunity to ask her the rest of the day on Sunday.

A couple of days later I phoned her to actually asked her out, which I made much more obvious than my earlier feeble attempt. Speaking of phone, the phone cards out of money, Bandjam. Sorry about that, I wish that other card lasted one more month.

So I finally went on the first date I'd been on in almost two years. It was a lot of fun. We first went to eat out at Fazoli's. Even though this brings shame to our family's eating habits, I'll go ahead and mention it because I find it funny(as the rest of my family would find it pretty funny too). She ended up eating all her food before me.

Afterwards we made it to the dance a little later than we wanted. Since I've never been contra dancing before, they had some instruction beforehand. We made it barely to catch the end instructions of some terms and figure out a few things for the dance.

It was so much fun. If you haven't done contra dancing before, you really need to. I danced the first two dances with This Girl, and then afterwards we switched up and danced with other people. The atmosphere was absolutely great. Just some nice good wholesome fun. This Girl has actually danced before, and so knew what she was doing more-so than me. The third dance I just watched because I couldn't find a girl who wanted to dance that wasn't taking a break. Let me tell you, she looked so cute dancing out there.

Afterwards, we stopped by the music building to show her where I 'live'. Unfortunately the place was locked, and my keycard wasn't working, so we head back to my place instead. We find out that it's the same apartment complex that her brother lives. Small world. She couldn't remember her brothers exact apartment, so we couldn't visit him. So she got to meet my brother. We sat, drank hot chocolate, and talked till a little after one I think. I take her back to the church where her vehicle is. She had a little ways to drive to get home. By the way Big-n-little Sis, you met her sometime last week.

So we're talking on the way to drop her off, and she says she has a confession to make. Okay. Apparently she was able to find rather easily my blog just by googling my e-mail name. I didn't realize it'd be that easy. I think she was a little worried about how I'd react to that. Actually, I thought it was very cool that she mentioned it. Way to be honest. One of the things I value most in people is honesty. Even if it is perhaps more cutting than what you want to say. My brother I live with has no problem expressing his opinions when they are more offensive than the normal, at least with me that is. My brother and I have very different tastes in women, so much, that the girl I dated two years ago, he just called her ugly. With This Girl, his only opinion was that she was white. So I take that as approval from him. I must say though, that I am refreshed by this brutal honesty from him, as opposed to those who skirt around the issue or lie so that it won't hurt as much. Alright, enough of that random tangent.

So this leads to another shifting, if need be, of what to include, or not to include on my blog. Now that This Girl reads it, which she very well could be right now, am I going to switch a few things around? By the way, she also gave me permission to read her blog and she talked about the same subject. I think my reasons have a slightly different approach to it then hers. First off, she'll be the first person that deals with the same people I do who reads my blog. So several weeks ago, when I put a less-than-approving comment about one of the members of the branch who's down where she's at, I'm curious what she thinks about it... The second issue would deal with basically, what if I would rather discuss the subject with her, rather than post it on my blog? If I post it on my blog, and she reads it, then she'll already know about it, whereas I may prefer to discuss it through with her first, and have a more enjoyable time with her, than to have her already know. So that is what I see as a delema. I don't think that that made sense, but I know what I mean, and I'm not up to providing an example. Oh well.

Next subject. This week was really good. I was productive. I only played about an hour of games this week. I was able to talk two of my closest friends and catch-up with them. Straighten things out with the girl next door. It was a very good week. So much for detail at this point. Oh, and as productive as this week was, I also put many more hours into every aspect of my life. Social, physical, spiritual, educational. Everything this week as a whole improved. This of course left me very tired. When I finally crashed at 2 A.M. last night, I slept for 11 hours straight. I didn't realize I was that tired. Anyway, I'm happy and doing great.


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And THIS is why ... dear brother, I have more than one blog. :)



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