Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My month

Inspired by Duchess and Star, but mostly because I'm not up to doing anything at the moment, here's my month -

Thinks far with vision - Personally, I think church has been a major influence of this.
Easily influenced by kindness - My brother says I'm one of the few people who say thank you and sound like I mean it.
Polite and soft-spoken - In public.
Having lots of ideas - Do I or don't I? You be the judge.
Sensitive - As a rock.
Active mind - More as of late.
Hesitating, tends to delay - See dating philosophy(more to come on that subject).
Choosy and always wants the best - I don't care enough.
Funny and humorous - I can't be the judge of that.
Loves to joke - I would agree, but who's laughing?
Good debating skills - Right. We were forced to do a debate in eighth grade. I was supposed to give the rebuttal. It was filmed, and the teacher said a minimum of three minutes. I said what I needed to say in 15 seconds and sat there for 2 minutes 45 seconds in complete silence with a camera on me and the teacher watching and saying nothing in front of the entire class. Great building of self-esteem for an eighth grader.
Talkative - Not really, until you know me, that is.
Daydreamer - You don't even know...
Friendly - Most agree.
Knows how to make friends - Not particularly.
Abiding - I guess.
Able to show character - Do I?
Easily hurt - Only my stupid shoulder, curse it.
Prone to getting colds - Twice a year, spring and fall, which I ignore and continue life as planned.
Loves to dress up - In free T-shirts(blood-doning, 5-K run, hand-me-downs, etc).
Easily bored - I'm one of those people who's easily amused, so no.
Fussy - No.
Seldom shows emotions - I agree.
Takes time to recover when hurt - My pride won't let me take time.
Brand conscious - ???
Executive - uh...
Stubborn - It's in the genes.


At 12:32 AM, Blogger bandjam said...

That is a most amusing website, but the only thing in my month (March) that applied to me was that I am musically talented. The rest was basically the exact opposite me. Go fig. :-)

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Trueblat said...

I would have to disagree with you on yours. But then again, I could be disagreeing with you just to be disagreeable :P

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

Glad you decided to play trueblat. I thought it was pretty fun and somewhat amusing as well.


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