Sunday, February 06, 2005

Phone Call

So today, my brother and I finally got around to fixing up our apartment to work better for us and have a little more room. We get all of that done, and decide to actually cook a decent meal. We've had this chicken in our freezer for quite some time, and some potato pearls from my mom's food storage. Since we aren't the greatest cooks of all time, I finally decided to call my mom. This is a little of how the conversation went...

"Hey mom"

"Is this (insert older brother's name)?"

"No, this is (Trueblat)."

"You didn't dislocate your shoulder again, did you?"

"No mom, we're just cooking some chicken and was wondering how to cook it."

Then in a very excited voice, "Who are you cooking it with?!?"

"(Insert younger brother's name)"


I bet she was thinking that I had brought This Girl over for dinner. Since I rarely cook anything outside of noodles or sandwiches, it was not the norm for us to cook chicken. I don't know if you find it as funny as I did, but there it is for you.


At 4:06 AM, Blogger Krista said...

I thought it was funny. Possibly because my mother also gets excited when she suspects I might be interacting with the opposite sex. I really do have a pretty good mix of friends, gender-wise. She just gets more anxious than is strictly required.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is probably a little better in reference to your character. Whenever I would call home while at the university, she would always, ALWAYS ask me if I was pregnant.

Just goes to show what kind of person I'm viewed as, eh?


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