Sunday, April 24, 2005

We finally got snow the second time of the year

So we wake up for church this morning, and it is snowing. This is after wearing shorts and T-shirts for the past two weeks. Sad, sad, sad.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dies Irae

Last night I was able to see the Verdi Requiem(my brother says I didn't see the Verdi Requiem, but that's a subject for another time, and actually being discussed on BB). I didn't have a program because they ran out, but I'm pretty sure the section I'm talking about is the Dies Irae. This movement is usually the most favorite of any requiem masses. You probably even recognize most of the Dies Irae sections without realizing it. I went to this concert with Weasel(non-music major) and he actually recognized that section from cartoons and movies and what-not. I didn't recognize it myself, but I could definitely see it being used. A great example of Dies Irae being used is in X-Men 2. The scene where Nightcrawler makes an assassination attempt. That music is from Mozart's Requiem, although the orchestration has been expanded to include more instruments.

The rest of the Verdi Requiem was alright. There were some really good parts, but there were parts that seem ill-fitted to a requiem, and parts that just didn't seem all the great. I also still have problems listening to 4 operatic singers acapella, and trying to actually hear something other than an octave-wide vibrato. I must admit that I also fell asleep through more than I care to admit. Oh well. It has its moments and they were quite good.

As a side note, I've already had 3 of my fliers taken down. Two for the content on them and one on accident. How sad is that. I would expect them to be taken down at BYU, but here?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Warning: Don't Try This Without Sleep

I found out something you really shouldn't do on half an hour of sleep. You should not create fliers to hang up about your senior recital. I printed off a basic page with the information, then I needed to find something to one-up the last senior tuba recital, who incorporated a lot of pictures and edited tubas into them, so Chewbacca's holding a tuba, you get the idea.

Well, I decided I would draw and write all of my pictures/comments as a five year old. To accomplish this I misspelled words, got letters backward, and drew all pictures and words left-handed. Too bad I can't show you them, but I'll at least give you a decription.

1. (picture of Godzilla crushing cars/people, etc) "I want to be Godzilla when I grow up"

2. (picture of sheep with sousaphone) "Don't oppress sheep. They can play tuba too."

3. (picture of an unsuccessfull tuba snake)

#3 is a marching band tradition where after the halftime show, the tuba players follow the leader at a full sprint no matter where they go. Let's just say we've had people fall before.

4. (picture of me holding my left arm completely disconnected from my socket) "If you see me like this, don't worry, I would actually be doing quite well."

5. (picture of my family, drawn as stick figures) "This is my daddy, and my mommy, and brother, and brother, and brother, and brother, and sister, and sister, and sister, and sister, and ME!"

I don't think #5 would be as funny out West, but it's so different here, that they get a kick out of it.

6. (picture of me falling off my bike by hitting a rock on a steep incline) "I love biking. This is me on a ski slope."

7. "Never play with your sister's hair and a remote-control car at the same time. You won't get you car back for a really long time."

and my personal favorite, and I've even gotten laughs from professors

8. "My mommy told me it's not nice to put mice in the microwave"

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I'm not sure how many of you play any type of multiplayer online games. I've happen to play on a couple of them, and I currently play one a little more than I should. The thing that drive me nuts though, is the abuse of the title of this entry. The ocasional lol isn't that bad, but lately any time I play, lol seems to be used more as a period than as an expression. I know I use this phrase, but I only use it when I actually do laugh, otherwise I just don't respond. I think it's the funniest thing when people actually finish whatever they're with the phrase lol, lol. I know it's a little harder to read into how people actually feel when just reading their words, but still, lol. I also guess it doesn't help that the major population for these games are probably middle school and high school boys, lol. Oh well, there's my mini pet peave for procrastination time, lol. Is it getting annoying yet, lol. I guess I could go into a lot more of the idiosyncrasies of the gaming world as well, but this one seems to bother me the most.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Out of boredom...

1. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (Name of first [same gender] pet + Street you grew up on):Brownie Potter

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food + Grandfather's first name): None Grandpa

3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see to your left + Favorite restaurant): Start Ramsy

4. "FLY GIRL" NAME (a la J. Lo): (First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name): T. Bla

5. ICON NAME: (Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen): Caremel Cool-Aid

6. DETECTIVE NAME: (Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School): Cat Russel

7. ROCK STAR NAME: (Favorite Candy + Last Name Of Favorite Musician): Krackel Giants

Okay, so most of mine are names of girls, but interesting. For one, I like my second pet's name better. Paddy Paws Potter. And my real name works well for number 4. Perhaps I should finally try to sleep.


I despise my ability, or inability, for that matter, to sleep. I just don't get how I can never truly get on a regular sleeping schedule to save my life. It's a constant struggle to attempt to correct. Since I still haven't corrected the time on my blog, it's 2 A.M. right now. I've got an 8:00 A.M. class, with homework due, but I can't do it because I need the music library computers to complete the assignment on. I don't think I've ever really covered this subject on my blog, so I guess now's a good time to write about it. I put a couple of comments on the 100 hour board about it once. Somebody about a year and a half ago wrote something about having to go to class with lines on his face from his pillow or what-not. He was lamenting this fact. I posted under a different name, I don't remember which, that he should consider himself lucky. I wish and wish that that is all I have to deal with. I fall asleep easily during the day, and can't sleep during the night. Some of it was probably self-imposed from bad habits early on, but you'd think I could break them. I slept a lot through high school days, I think averaging 2 to 3 hours a day during school. I've slept in every possible position, had every type of prank pulled, so many drawings, marks, drool, etc. I've fallen asleep at the wheel about 8 times. Once for half an hour, and one time I wrecked. After that wreck, I'm much more careful about pulling over and sleeping no matter what the situation may be.

So now, it's college and I try to adhere to some type of schedule, yet my schedule is always ruled by my sleep or lack of it. I can't maintain any degree of consistency for longer than a week, if even that. No matter how hard I try to stay awake through classes, it won't ever happen. I can show you some very illegable notes of my attempts to stay awake through class, and just end up falling asleep and drawing lines across my papers as I sleep. Last night, I got eight and a half hours of sleep, the longest period of sleep I've had in at least two weeks. I still ended up dozing off without being able to control it at all. It was only 20 minutes. Now I sit here, completely awake at 2 A.M. I've fallen asleep while practicing before. Actually physically blowing a note into my tuba, and falling asleep. Monday, while helping out with an afterschool program, I sat down, and dropped while kids are running all around me. Just sometime I wish I could stay awake through the day, and sleep well during the night. When I actually start teaching, that's going to be interesting. Will I be able to go a full day of teaching for weeks on end, without suddenly dropping off right in front of kids.

I know my brother's been diagnosed with some type of sleeping disorder, and I'm probably just as bad. I don't know if I'm worse or he's worse. Our vehicles did have matching gaurdrail marks from where we both fell asleep at the wheel on highways. Who knows? Maybe a lot more people deal with this than I realize, but it is annoying.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


This Girl and I were talking about friendship and what it is exactly. I'm always amazed at the amount of friends that she has, and then I think, oh... wait, that how normal people are. We didn't have too much of a chance to discuss this particular topic in detail. Really, though, our definitions are very different. I've mentioned before that I have two people who I consider best friends. This Girl is more than a friend and will eventually become a best friend the way things are currently going. As I thought about who I would consider a friend, there aren't a lot. As much time as I spend with the tuba-euph studio, I consider most of them acquaintances. Two, I may even consider as friends, in fact, in most people's definition, they would be, I think. At church, mainly one guy I would consider a friend, and even though I rarely talk to him any more, I would still consider him a friend. There are people from high school days that I might consider as friends, again, people I never really talk to or even attempt to keep in contact with. So what is the definition of a friend, at least for me? First off, it has to be somebody I really like. This rules out more than I would care to admit. I have a very easy-going personality and I can get along with everyone. People generally tend to like me and have a high opinion of me, yet I still tend to keep it all on the surface, I'm not quite sure why. Even if I think they're really cool and fun to be with, they may not be a person I really like. Time spent has nothing to do with being a friend, as evidenced by my association with the tuba-euph students and everyone from church, and the people I consider friends are life-long people I know for the most part, and in some cases, haven't talked to in years. You know, I'm just not really sure what I consider a friend to be, hense why I never label people as friends, I just don't have any type of definition for it. Considering this is the first time I really thought about it.

Another topic I wanted to think about briefly was women being intimidating. I have never met any member of the opposite sex that was intimidating. Now, I have very good reasons for this. This Girl made the comment that most guys find her very intimidating, to which I just laughed. Some people consider Duchess to be intimidating, yet when I met her, I didn't see that, of course, it wasn't in editor mode or some situation like that. I very much doubt that any female can intimidate me. For anyone who knows Bandjam, my sister, that is all I would have to say for people to understand why. And I think she would agree with me, wouldn't you Bandjam :) You know I love you. Really, though, I wouldn't be able to describe why she would just scare the living daylights out of most guys, but take my word for it. She would. You know, come to think of it, my mom would too. It just makes me laugh though when I think about this subject or see something posted about it.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

A really funny April fool's joke

So I get an interesting e-mail from this girl. I'll just post it straight for you...

I just wanted to let you know that today is April 1st. Which requires for me to play at least one April Fools joke. And i'm doing it using my LJ, which since you don't read isn't really a big deal. However, i thought I should give you fair notice that 1.I am using you in my April fools joke

and 2. If my brother goes to talk to you/beat you up/etc... just remind him today is april 1st and he can't believe me.

I'll explain the rest to you later.

Of course, reading this, I HAD to go to her live journal site and see what she had written. So it starts off with this post early in the morning of April 1rst(my name has been changed, she calls me by my real name on her lj, which is actually probably keeping me more anonymous than Trueblat would.

WOW!!! Trueblat is the best thing ever....
I had such a great time hanging out with Trueblat last night. Things are going so well. I have never met anyone like him. I just...don't know how to put into words how excited I am!!! I mean, this definitely goes beyond in-like. :) Oh my goodness!

Oh...gosh. I heard this song on the radio and it made me think of Trueblat and I. I just had to post the lyrics...
"No One Needs To Know"

Am I dreamin' or stupid?
I think I've been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now
I met a tall, dark and handsome man
And I've been busy makin' big plans
But no one needs to know right now

I got my heart set, my feet wet
And he don't even know it yet
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

I want bells to ring, a choir to sing
The white dress the guests the cake the car the whold darn thing
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

We'll have a little girl a little boy
A little Benji we call Leroy
But no one needs to know right now

And I'm not lonely anymore at night
And he don't know only only he can make it right

And I'm not lonely anymore at night
And he don't know only only he can make it right

I'm not dreamin' or stupid
But boy have I been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now

No one needs to know right now...

In a comment made, one of her friends told her that she should make it private entry, so certain people won't read it. Later on in the day, she posted this...

Um...never mind?? I don't know how to say this--i'm so confused. I mean...well. yuck.

Kymberly was right. I shoudl ahve kept that last post friends-only.

Trueblat read it. and he was kind enough to call me (at least he didn't send an e-mail). Apparently all that information and excitement posted on line--when he read it--it scared him. (HE PROMISED HE WASN"T GONIG TO READ MY LJ!!!!!) I guess it was a little too much--girliness? craziness? looking forward to the future? (What is wrong with looking forward to the future?). I don't understand. but he basically cut it off. He said I was going too fast and--I can't believe he said this--he said that what I posted was too psychotic. anyhow, my eagerness scared him and he broke up with me.

He said we can still be friends. which is nice.

but i'm soo embarressed. I'm so hurt. I mean--i was finally really getting excited and thrilled this.

i don't think i can go to church tomorrow. In fact...i think i'm going to quit going to church in lexington. Richmond has a family ward I can attend. I'll make friends there. I just can't face going to singles ward with Trueblat. seeing him will hurt so much. And everyone in singles will know too.

I can't believe i did this. I'm going to go eat chocolate ice cream and cry now.

and I hope he reads this. and i hope he knows how hurt I am. I hope he feels guilty.

I can't tell you how hard I was laughing when I read this. All of her friends were offering all kinds of support and one of them called me a loser for supposedly doing that. Anyway, she decided to make one last post, which she actually wrote while on my computer.

Great Idea!!
So, I was taking this picture Starla had taken of me and Trueblat to Walmart to get it printed out so I could burn it. While I was at Walmart I ran into Samej, a guy I knew in High School who really had a crush on me. Anyhow, I was telling Samej about how upset I was--and then I had an idea. Samej used to be in the military. He wasn't bad at it either. And I know, from experience, that he's a pretty good stalker.

Anyhow, so i talked to him and he agreed to shoot Trueblat. In exchange, he kind of hinted that I should date him for a month. He's actually a pretty good guy--awesome at playing magic. And we never did get a chance to really date. So--he told me I could think about it. And so I got my pictures to go burn--I was going to ask your guyses advice. But I told him I'd call him tommorrow.

I'm pretty sure i"m going to say yes. What do you guys think? I mean, he doesn't have to shoot him in the heart--it could just be in the toe like in the movie "Guarding Tess"? Anyhow. I think i'm going to have him do it.

That'll serve him.

She did this one, so people would know that it was an April fools joke, yet some of them still didn't quite get it, and thought This Girl was being a little extreem. She finally put her final post up after she got home...

It's so good to know I have such good support for my friends. I think I went a little over the top, actually--i would say I went A TON over the top for me. But you guys still gave me the support and love I would need. And thank you so much. You guys are really great friends, and from it I learned that I do have a great support system.

You guys are really great, and so its with pride at my prowness, but sadness for any hurt or abuse of your caring I may have caused you, that I wish you all to have had a


Please disregard any posts from April 1st.

So there you have it. One in which I wasn't directly involved in, but it certainly made my day. I didn't actually do anything myself for April Fools Day. I ended up being way to busy to really see that it was April Fools Day.