Saturday, April 02, 2005

A really funny April fool's joke

So I get an interesting e-mail from this girl. I'll just post it straight for you...

I just wanted to let you know that today is April 1st. Which requires for me to play at least one April Fools joke. And i'm doing it using my LJ, which since you don't read isn't really a big deal. However, i thought I should give you fair notice that 1.I am using you in my April fools joke

and 2. If my brother goes to talk to you/beat you up/etc... just remind him today is april 1st and he can't believe me.

I'll explain the rest to you later.

Of course, reading this, I HAD to go to her live journal site and see what she had written. So it starts off with this post early in the morning of April 1rst(my name has been changed, she calls me by my real name on her lj, which is actually probably keeping me more anonymous than Trueblat would.

WOW!!! Trueblat is the best thing ever....
I had such a great time hanging out with Trueblat last night. Things are going so well. I have never met anyone like him. I just...don't know how to put into words how excited I am!!! I mean, this definitely goes beyond in-like. :) Oh my goodness!

Oh...gosh. I heard this song on the radio and it made me think of Trueblat and I. I just had to post the lyrics...
"No One Needs To Know"

Am I dreamin' or stupid?
I think I've been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now
I met a tall, dark and handsome man
And I've been busy makin' big plans
But no one needs to know right now

I got my heart set, my feet wet
And he don't even know it yet
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

I want bells to ring, a choir to sing
The white dress the guests the cake the car the whold darn thing
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

We'll have a little girl a little boy
A little Benji we call Leroy
But no one needs to know right now

And I'm not lonely anymore at night
And he don't know only only he can make it right

And I'm not lonely anymore at night
And he don't know only only he can make it right

I'm not dreamin' or stupid
But boy have I been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now

No one needs to know right now...

In a comment made, one of her friends told her that she should make it private entry, so certain people won't read it. Later on in the day, she posted this...

Um...never mind?? I don't know how to say this--i'm so confused. I mean...well. yuck.

Kymberly was right. I shoudl ahve kept that last post friends-only.

Trueblat read it. and he was kind enough to call me (at least he didn't send an e-mail). Apparently all that information and excitement posted on line--when he read it--it scared him. (HE PROMISED HE WASN"T GONIG TO READ MY LJ!!!!!) I guess it was a little too much--girliness? craziness? looking forward to the future? (What is wrong with looking forward to the future?). I don't understand. but he basically cut it off. He said I was going too fast and--I can't believe he said this--he said that what I posted was too psychotic. anyhow, my eagerness scared him and he broke up with me.

He said we can still be friends. which is nice.

but i'm soo embarressed. I'm so hurt. I mean--i was finally really getting excited and thrilled this.

i don't think i can go to church tomorrow. In fact...i think i'm going to quit going to church in lexington. Richmond has a family ward I can attend. I'll make friends there. I just can't face going to singles ward with Trueblat. seeing him will hurt so much. And everyone in singles will know too.

I can't believe i did this. I'm going to go eat chocolate ice cream and cry now.

and I hope he reads this. and i hope he knows how hurt I am. I hope he feels guilty.

I can't tell you how hard I was laughing when I read this. All of her friends were offering all kinds of support and one of them called me a loser for supposedly doing that. Anyway, she decided to make one last post, which she actually wrote while on my computer.

Great Idea!!
So, I was taking this picture Starla had taken of me and Trueblat to Walmart to get it printed out so I could burn it. While I was at Walmart I ran into Samej, a guy I knew in High School who really had a crush on me. Anyhow, I was telling Samej about how upset I was--and then I had an idea. Samej used to be in the military. He wasn't bad at it either. And I know, from experience, that he's a pretty good stalker.

Anyhow, so i talked to him and he agreed to shoot Trueblat. In exchange, he kind of hinted that I should date him for a month. He's actually a pretty good guy--awesome at playing magic. And we never did get a chance to really date. So--he told me I could think about it. And so I got my pictures to go burn--I was going to ask your guyses advice. But I told him I'd call him tommorrow.

I'm pretty sure i"m going to say yes. What do you guys think? I mean, he doesn't have to shoot him in the heart--it could just be in the toe like in the movie "Guarding Tess"? Anyhow. I think i'm going to have him do it.

That'll serve him.

She did this one, so people would know that it was an April fools joke, yet some of them still didn't quite get it, and thought This Girl was being a little extreem. She finally put her final post up after she got home...

It's so good to know I have such good support for my friends. I think I went a little over the top, actually--i would say I went A TON over the top for me. But you guys still gave me the support and love I would need. And thank you so much. You guys are really great friends, and from it I learned that I do have a great support system.

You guys are really great, and so its with pride at my prowness, but sadness for any hurt or abuse of your caring I may have caused you, that I wish you all to have had a


Please disregard any posts from April 1st.

So there you have it. One in which I wasn't directly involved in, but it certainly made my day. I didn't actually do anything myself for April Fools Day. I ended up being way to busy to really see that it was April Fools Day.


At 11:52 PM, Blogger tiblittle said...

One word: AWESOME!

Ok, a few more: Marry This Girl!


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